FiraTàrrega. Teatre al carrer

Practical information

Camping Area

Spcaces and Services in Firatarrega's Camping Area

FiraTàrrega has a camping area situated in Av. Tarragona, s/n.

  • The price is 15 €/person (ticket valid for all the days) BUY.
  • The price for the Saturday night only is 10 €/person. BUY
  • Access is free for the under 7s.
  • Bookings are not accepted.
  • For access to the camping area, all users must wear the bracelet supplied.
  • Camping is allowed from Wednesday previous at 17:00 until Sunday. Everyone must leave the site before 12:00 on monday.


  • Hot showers inside, cold showers outside, toilets and urinaries, washhand basins, bar, picnic area, mobile phone recharging point, information point.
  • Mobile home area: There are no water or electricity supply hook-ups. 
  • Free car parking next to the camping area.


  • Bring a tent in good condition, foam pads and sleeping bags.
  • Take sun protection creams with you (the camping area has few shady areas), as well as a waterproof.
  • There are no lockers or left luggage on the campsite. Please, look after your personal belongings to avoid theft.
  • Respect the environment. Look after your own health.


  • Please keep silent between midnight and 09:00 to allow the other campers to sleep.
  • Vehicle may not be used inside the camping area, except for the motorhome placement.
  • Stalls for the sale of any kind of product are not allowed.
  • Open fires are not allowed.
  • Dogs and other animals must be kept on a lead.

More info: Tel. +34 973 500 039 | info(ELIMINAR)

The price is 15 €/person (ticket for all days). The price for the Saturday night only is 10 €/person. Access is free for the under 7s

