
Registration form professionals


Please complete as many fields as possible. The fields marked in red correspond to the information that will appear in the Manual Professional. The fields marked with asterisk are required fields.

Final date for registration: 1 SEPTEMBER 2013 (all entities registered before 18th August will be included in the Manual Professional)

Entity details

¹ If you wish your mobile phone number to appear in the Manual Professional, tick the the box. If you do not authorize this, FiraTàrrega will only use this number to contact you in case of need or to send you information of interest. If you do not wish to receive any information on your mobile phone, leave the box blank.


FiraTàrrega recommends to include a photograph of the representative of the entity on the list of registered professionals. Attach a passport size photo in .jpg format and high resolution.

Also you can send it to pro(ELIMINAR)

If you provided a picture in last year’s registration we will include it in this year’s Professional Manual unless otherwise indicated.

Attending La Fira
Other registered people
3rd registered
4th registered

Registration fee

Normal registration (until Sunday 1st September 2013, inclusive)

  • Cost of inscription of the entity (2 delegates): 60 € (21% VAT included)
  • Inscription of third and fourth people: 15 €/person (21% VAT included)

Registration is not effective until the fee has been paid.

Registration includes

  • A badge for all registered professionals (essential for access to the pavilion, areas exclusively for professionals and requests for tickets)
  • Complimentary tickets for the shows in closed venues
  • The right to a second ticket for the requested spectacles at 50% of the regular price
  • Inclusion of the entity in the Manual Professional
  • Right to book accommodation in the Hotels Fira²
  • Discounts on Renfe trains
  • Professional pack with full information about La Fira
² Accommodation is limited and is given in strict order of reception of booking up to the maximum capacity of the hotels.

Payment by bank transfer

Entity: Catalunya Caixa. Address: Pl. Carme, 15, 25300 Tàrrega (Spain). IBAN: ES55 2013 0095 1602 0124 1564. BIC: CESCESBB

Please indicate entity name in payment and send the receipt by email to pro(ELIMINAR) or fax 973 501 528.

Payment by credit card

I authorize Fira Tàrrega to charge the registration fee to the following credit card:

Credit card data

Please indicate entity name in payment and send the receipt by email to pro(ELIMINAR) or fax 973 501 528.

Invoice data

Policy for the refund of registration fee in case of cancellation of the registration

  • Until 19th August: refund of the full fee after deduction of bank charges
  • Until 1st September: refund of 50% of the fee
  • After 1st September: no refunds


Once your registration is confirmed, you will be sent an email with the keys to access the following documentation:

  • List of hotels and accommodation booking form
  • Dossier of transport with full information about how to reach Tàrrega
  • The form to request complimentary tickets for professionals (after 22nd July)

How to reach FiraTàrrega

By plane

Bus timetables from the two closest arrival airports with regular bus service to Tàrrega: Barcelona (El Prat) and Girona. Reus Airport is not well connected.

From Barcelona-El Prat AIRPORT
  1. Bus Fira: FiraTàrrega has a bus service running directly to Tàrrega

    • Wednesday, 4th September: Departing at 16h and 20h.
    • Thursday, 5th September: Departing at 11h, 13h, 15h, 17h and 20h.

    Meeting point: Terminal 1 - Arrivals hall 'La Plaça' - Waiting area Groups (North) in front of the Airport Tourist Office.

    Duration: 1h.20 'in normal traffic conditions

    Travel Cost: 17 euros.

  2. ALSA regular bus

    Daily departures from T1 and T2.

    • Every day at 11.30h (T2) – 11.45h (T1) and 19h (T2) - 19.15h (T1)
    • Monday to Saturday at 18h (T2) – 18.15h (T1)

    Stops: Terminal 1: Platforms 7 to 11 at bus terminal Terminal 2B: Across the Joan Miró mural

    Duration: 2h.30'

    You can buy the ticket on the bus – Information:

  1. EIX Bus

    • Monday to Friday: Departing at 14.45h and 19.30h.
    • Saturday and Sunday: Departing at 8.45h and 17.45h.

    Timetables, fares and map on:

    Duration: 2h.35’ in normal traffic conditions

By train

If you come by train, you have RENFE discounts for programmers:

  • 30% en trens d'Alta Velocitat (Llarga Distància - Mitja Distància)
  • 30% en trens de Mitja distància convencional i Rodalies

By road

If you come by private or hired car we suggest CAR SHARING. If you share the spare seats in your vehicle with other professionals coming here, you will save money, help reduce traffic and pollution!

Car sharing to FiraTàrrega:

LEGAL NOTICE - The data included on this form will be treated in accordance with the Protection of Personal Data Law 15/1999 dated 13th of December.

With the support of: COFAE: coordinator de ferias de rates escénicas del Estado (Fairs coordinator of Performing Arts of the State)
