FiraTàrrega. Teatre al carrer


Street theatre spectacle with live music, produced by FiraTàrrega. La ira dels peixos presents a confrontation between two cultures, one represented by the residents of a vessel who earn a living from collecting rubbish from the sea and other by the visitors, who come to get to know the lifestyle and customs of the so-called fish men. A story about diversity and cultural resistance. A reflection on totalitarian states, economic interests and how the ideologies close to globalisation spread their territorial control and threaten the survival of the minority cultures. A proposal that invites the audience to travel through the places of personal and collective identity and to recover a place of freedom that allows us to dream about the brotherhood between all the peoples of our planet.

Ignacio Achurra, artistic director and scriptwriter
Born in Santiago de Chile in 1979, Ignacio Achurra graduated in Arts, and is an actor, teacher, playwright and theatre director. Founding member and current artistic director of the company La Patriótico Interesante, with whom he has been working since 2002, on research and creation in the field of the street arts, with six works produced that have been presented at the leading festivals in Chile, France, Ecuador, Colombia, Spain and Germany. In 2013, he taught on the Master of Creation in Street Arts organised by FiraTàrrega and the University of Lleida. He is currently the artistic co-director of the International Street Theatre Festival in Santiago de Chile, co-director of Achurra Entrenadores (consultants specialised in effective communication) and actor on de Chilean National Television (TVN).


Intèrprets: Guillermo Vidal, Martí Salvat, Ricard Sadurní, Carlos Ara, Adrián Díaz, Daniela Poch, Blanca Pascual, Raquel Gualtero, Montse Roig, Paula Escamilla Músics en escena: Tom Honnoré, Rodrigo Bastidas, Vincent Sermonne Producció executiva: FiraTàrrega Producció general: Eileen Morizur Direcció d'art: Pablo De la Fuente Direcció tècnica i escenografia: Cristobal Ramos Tècnics en escena i realització escenogràfica: Cristobal Ramos, Saoro Vicedo, Christopher Saygo Assistents escenografia: Maria Montseny, Cécile Mayot Assistència direcció i interpretació: Adrián Díaz Codirecció musical i interpretació: Rodrigo Bastidas, Tom Honnoré Disseny il·luminació i vestuari: Katiuska Valenzuela Confecció: Alba Minguella. Composiciò fotogràfica: Intersecció La Llotja, estand 01

  • 12 September: 21:00
  • 14 September: 00:00; 21:00
Pl. Hort del Barceloní
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Ignacio Achurra
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